grauzone wrote:
Don wrote:
Christopher Wright wrote:
grauzone wrote:
You're not testing for types, you're testing if it compiles. Inside the tested block of code, all sorts of things could go wrong. You can't know if is(typeof(...)) really did what you wanted, or if something broke.

You're testing, "is everything inside that OK?". If you want to know WHY it's wrong, you'd better make sure you're testing something simple.

Andrei's range lib uses it more in a way "does this type support this and that range interface?". Example:

Then different isXxxRange are used by higher-order ranges in defining refined interfaces depending on the interfaces offered by their inputs. I fail to see how that's terrible. I am very happy D has that feature - no other statically-typed language has it, and it can be used to great effect. Look e.g. at Chain:

There, the uses of static if (is(...)) allow Chain to define as capable an interface as its inputs allow.


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