dsimcha wrote:
> == Quote from Chad J (chadj...@__spam.is.bad__gmail.com)'s article
>> Is it really that hard to have the GUI libs in question just give you
>> some pixels in memory or an opengl context?  Then you could use your own
>> highly optimized plot drawing routines instead of relying on the GUI lib
>> to do this.  I figured this kind of thing would be unbeatable for
>> performance, unless the library ties your hands.
> I had considered this.  The biggest problem is font rendering.

I think Tom (h3r3t1c) has some good font drawing code laying around.
I've made some crappy font drawing code at some point.  It's quite
doable and the game developing peeps around here should have font
rendering code.  It seems to come with the territory.  Hopefully someone
won't mind sharing.  At the end of the day this probably just means
depending on FreeType2 and borrowing some code.

That and also what everyone else was saying.

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