I dunno if anyone knew this before but i wanted to give my kudos to a guy that did a lot for the D community by developing the still best debugger for the D Programming Language Ddbg (http://ddbg.mainia.de/releases.html)

The question often came up why it is not updated anymore. Well the reason for this is that Jascha Wetzel the developer of Ddbg earns the big bucks now with his product Turbolence 4D (http://jawset.com/) and his company "Jawset Visual Computing"

"TURBULENCE.4D makes the most realistic and efficient methods in CG fluid dynamics available in standard software"

Well and recently his product got used in the new Bruce Willis movie "Surrogates" (http://chooseyoursurrogate.com/).

All in all I whish him the best for the future and that he will never forget D when developing next cutting edge software.

The downside is that Ddbg finally needs a new developer for the future to get updated.

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