On 5/15/10 11:00, Walter Bright wrote:
Don wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
Leandro Lucarella wrote:
I saw the patches, and having all hardcoded in the compiler doesn't
like a good idea =/

I know the hardcoding is probably not the best, but I wanted to try
it out to see if it was a good feature before committing a lot of
work to it.

The alternative is to use some sort of configuration file for it. The
problem, though, is that the hints are for newbies, and newbies
probably aren't going to get a configuration file properly set up,
especially if there are multiple such files.

I think the only purpose of such a feature is to increase the chance
that a newbie's "hello world" compiles successfully. The importance of
that can't be underestimated, I think. First impressions matter.

Yes, or at least have a to-the-point error message rather than just an
undefined identifier.

It's amazing how much information we take for granted. For example, I've
been trying to use Apple's xcode system. I find it hard to do the most
trivial things, like trying to figure out how to just start the thing.

Apple's web site isn't much better, it's got to be the most hard to read
site I've ever encountered. The text is a faint grey on white, of all
things, and the font is so poorly rendered my eyes turn red and painful
after a while reading it. I have to actually select the text in order to
read it. I find this astonishing, am I doing something wrong?

Looking at Apple's developer site and the API reference, for me the body of the text is black using firefox, some minor parts are in gray.

It won't render at all in Explorer.

The D web site is rather pedestrian, but at least it's easy on the eyes.

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