On 05/24/2010 10:58 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Sun, 23 May 2010 17:36:52 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

I've thought for a very long time about the class vs. struct choice in
a container, and I came to a startling conclusion: it (almost) doesn't
matter. Could be either, and the tradeoffs involved are nonessential.
Here they are:

1. Using a class makes implementing members easier because there's no
need to do work through an additional member. With a struct, you need
a pimpl approach. For example:

struct Array {
struct Impl {
Impl * impl;
@property length() const { return impl->length; }

2. struct gives you more power in managing collection's own memory, as
long as the collection doesn't escape item addresses or other
addresses of internal handles. So all other things being equal, struct
has a net advantage.

Yes, but most containers are node-based, so as long as you use structs
for nodes, you are generally in control of the bulk of allocation
(dcollections does this).

I'm saying, the net advantage of struct is that it can safely and deterministically release memory in its destructor.

3. The creation syntaxes are different. For Phobos, I suggest adding a
simple function make() to std.algorithm. make!T(a, b, c) returns a
newly constructed object T by invoking the constructor with arguments
a, b, and c. That way we can make client code virtually agnostic of
the class/struct choice for a container.

Classes have builtin object monitors. But you could handle that via a
struct as well. The language support wouldn't be there though.

Oh, and the monitor isn't needed so that's an unused word there. I'd forgotten about it.

That's it. Otherwise, one could use either to build a container. Let
me note that I have reached the conclusion that containers should be
at best reference types, with a meta-constructor Value!(C) that takes
a container C and makes it into a value type.

The thing that classes really give you is the language support. Structs
need to be hand-crafted to support the same syntax. Classes are enforced
as always being reference types and always being on the heap.

I'd agreed classes are more convenient because they make the implementation straightforward.

Value!(C) is questionable because creating the head of a container on
the stack leads to easily escaped stack references.

I don't understand this. Could you give an example?

But yeah, a struct as a 'smart pointer' could work, as long as you don't
'auto-create' like AA's do.

It seems Steve took the weekend off.

My son's 2nd birthday party was Saturday, and I had visitors, sorry :) I
did some responses, but at some point if you want to remain married, you
have to pay attention to your family.

Congrats. And yes, wise words :o).


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