Am 31.01.2011 13:19, schrieb Nick Sabalausky:
"foobar"<>  wrote in message

1. common human markup such as: _foo_ (underline), *foo* (bold) etc,

I've never been much of a fan of that. Actually that's one of the things I
didn't like about Thunderbird when I tried it: it kept replacing *'s and _'s
with formatting even what I was in the supposed "plaintext" mode.

Of course, if the *'s and _'s stay intact when the text is bolded/etc, then
I can't say I'd care quite so much.

This is exactly what my Thunderbird (okay, it's Icedove really) does. *,_,/ stays intact, but the text is bolded/underlined/italicized.

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