On 6/21/2011 1:08 AM, Brad Anderson wrote:
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 10:14 PM, Andrej Mitrovic
<andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com <mailto:andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This is a translation project of Charles Petzold's Programming Windows
    (5th edition) book code samples.

    Currently over 120 code samples have been translated into D, with only
    a few modules remaining.

    Everything else you need to know is in the Readme file:

    The examples were tested on fresh installs of XP and Win7 with the
    only dependency being DMD v2.053 and an NT operating system. I hope
    everyone will be able to build these examples without too much
    trouble. *crosses fingers*

Awesome.  If only I hadn't sold my copy a month ago :(.  It's great that
Petzold was OK with you doing this.  He's a great author. Code is
probably the most interesting technical book I've ever read (sorry, Andrei).

I had ported a subset of the WTL functionality over to D for a personal project. This primarily consists of a D version of port of atlcrack.h for creating a message map for an HWND wrapped class, and some template mixins to hook up the message map to a class.

The WTL uses the curiously recurring template design, and D can do the same thing, but is also able to use mixins which makes things a lot more flexible.

The message handlers and bindings a bulk of the annoying work, so while my 'DWindow' class was only filled in just enough to function for my app, filling out Win32 API calls as needed is pretty trivial, compared to making all the message handlers typesafe and extract their arguments properly.

I am not working on this at the moment but it would be a good starting point especially if you are working with GDI directly. I am also still quite new to D so style or alternative techniques available in the language might have been overlooked.

Message cracking and handler binding helpers (dwindowmessages.d):


Simple 'DWindow' and MSG class and aliases (dwindow.d)


A 'GameWindow' class with a bunch of message handlers hooked up correctly, and the message pump.


win32fix.d, stuff that should be in the win32 bindings on the bindings web site but isn't (I was using rawinput for the mouse which is rather esoteric to most programmers). They are also missing from the Microsoft C/C++ headers, they are that obscure :)


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