On Mon 09-Jan 0:05, Trass3r wrote:
About the 'mentioned bugfix', I assume you're referring to "bug 6473
has been fixed => so let's fix that memory leak"?

Yep, just git checkout the revision before that one.

Ok, so when i try to compile it says

src\opencl\c\cl_d3d10.d(88): Error: undefined identifier UINT
src\opencl\c\cl_d3d10.d(96): Error: undefined identifier UINT

and upon changing those to uint I get

src\opencl\c\cl_d3d11.d(77): Error: undefined identifier ID3D11Buffer
src\opencl\c\cl_d3d11.d(84): Error: undefined identifier ID3D11Texture2D
src\opencl\c\cl_d3d11.d(91): Error: undefined identifier ID3D11Texture3D

What am I missing?

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