On 4 March 2012 05:40, Adam D. Ruppe <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, 3 March 2012 at 12:10:47 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> No, we don't want to do it like Dart:
>> 17260 lines of code for Hello World.
> Wow. I thought I was a bit on the bloated side with
> ~100 lines of boilerplate (before running the unused
> function stripper).
> $ ../dmd -md object.d
> DMD v2.058 DEBUG
> $ wc object.js
>  108   472 11843 object.js
> Then again, when giant things like jQuery is considered
> a "necessity" when I get by just fine with my 10 KB
> (source, not minified, not gzipped) custom library,
> if even that, it shows there's a big disconnect between
> me and most other web people nowadays.

Hmm, does your DOM library compile with this? Also, is it smaller than
jQuery? And how easy would it be to make it work with the browser dom?

This is mostly because I pretty much use jQuery for AJAX and Dom
manipulation, everything is just extras.

James Miller

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