Gah, I just ruined by night by actually
trying to use this release.

78 lines of template instantiation error spam
on code that worked perfectly on 2.058 :(

Including such gems as:

.../phobos/std/conv.d(244): Error: template std.conv.toImpl does not match any function template declaration


.../phobos/std/conv.d(244): Error: template std.conv.toImpl matches more than one template declaration, /home/me/d/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/conv.d(1034):toImpl(T,S) if (!isImplicitlyConvertible!(S,T) && is(S == enum) && isSomeString!(T)) and /home/me/d/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/conv.d(1155):toImpl(T,S) if (isIntegral!(S) && isSigned!(S) && isSomeString!(T))


.../phobos/std/conv.d(244): Error: template std.conv.toImpl does not match any function template declaration

They all seem to be enum <-> string related.

std.conv rox, but it is one very fragile baby :(

It breaks often, and is always a pain to figure out why.

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