On Thu, 12 Apr 2012 15:08:54 -0400, Matt Soucy wrote:

> On 04/12/2012 02:58 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> On 04/12/2012 11:49 AM, Alvaro wrote:
>>> The changelog mentions DMD 2.059 as released on April 1, 2012, but
>>> there is no link to it. Is it released?
>>> http://dlang.org/changelog.html
>> I don't think it was intended but don't trust anything that is dated
>> April 1. :p
>> Ali
> I noticed that as well last night, got excited, and then was quickly
> confused. :/ Especially since it's clickable.
> -Matt

All it needs is a paragraph to state the truth.
next release is still in progress, can be checked out from github 
linkhere, built, tested,
these are the features and fixes thought already done, 
list of other stable point goal feature/fixes of next release, hopeful 
date when done. Usual warning of unstable bits.

Or point a link to github page stating similar. 

Surely thats not too difficult?

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