On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 22:20:51 -0700, Caligo <iteronve...@gmail.com> wrote:

Just curious, if Walter is too busy to make DMD more stable, then what
does he spend most of his time on?  I thought we were done with adding
new features to the language (at least for now)?

While COFF/x64 support for is technically a new feature, it's also one required for the survival of D. x86 is dead on OS X, and dying on Windows and Linux. So i'd say that it's pretty important for Walter to get it in now.

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:
On Monday, July 16, 2012 13:18:55 Caligo wrote:

All he has to do is create a branch and call it stable, or whatever,
and use cherry-pick to move small stables patches from other branches
to the stable branch. What's so difficult about that? I don't get

It takes up his time for him to do it, and I don't think that there's any chance whatsoever of him giving someone else commit access to the main dmd repository to do this (certainly not at this point). He wasn't interested in changing the versioning or branching stuff at all. He agreed to this plan (which should be minimally disruptive to him) as an experiment. Depending on how it goes, we may change how we deal with the main repo, but for now, we're trying this. And since the likely alternative was that we would continue on exactly as we have been, this is presumably an improvement for the folks who
wanted a branch with bug fixes with more frequent releases.

- Jonathan M Davis

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

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