On Friday, August 03, 2012 18:57:29 Philippe Sigaud wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Mike James <f...@bar.com> wrote:
> Well, I installed "by hand" on windows, as I did for the previous
> releases and nothing links anymore.
> Then, at home, the same for linux. I did the exact moves/copies I did
> for 2.057, 2.058 and 2.059 and I never had this problem before.
> So now, all my DMD installs are broken :) What was changed in this
> release exactly?
> What Jonathan, what do you mean by old .di files? I never create any .di

druntime does. There was some shuffling around with that this release. Most of 
druntime no longer creates .di files anymore but rather just copies over the .d 
files. I don't know exactly what the deal is with core.memory and core.bitop, 
but there were issues with them if the imports directory wasn't properly 
cleaned out (and druntime's makefile's clean target didn't clean it out 
properly for a bit there), resulting in errors along the lines of what the OP 
reported. It probably ended up with a .di and .d file next to each other, but 
I'm not sure. I suspect that the Windows installer fails to remove the old 
stuff if you don't uninstall first, so you end up with a bad install if you 
don't uninstall first, but I don't know.

- Jonathan M Davis

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