On Saturday, 12 January 2013 at 17:44:54 UTC, Jacob Carlborg
On 2013-01-12 15:28, alex wrote:
Hi everyone,

Just released a new version - For info, see

I just tried Mono-D again and I'm having some problems.


* Running an application

When I try to run a simple Hello World application it opens a new empty terminal, nothing is printed. I also though that MonoDevelop would run the application and display its output in an internal console view.

Uses xterm (at least on linux) to display stuff in an external
console. Definitely wasn't my idea. There probably is the
possibility to redirect stin/out/err streams into some kind of
internal log or so - but then probably the question will rise up
whether one can pass input to stdin. Haven't tried it out "yet" -
yes, "yet" - though Mono-D exists >1.5 years.

* Go to definition and autocompletion

I have no idea how good these features are supposed to be but to me they work very inconsistently. I have one project where go to definition basically only works for what's in the same file. I have another project where it seems to work fine, mostly.

That's where D magic vs. my programming ability comes into the
game. I can't and I won't guarantee that both works in all cases
(of course not) - all I can do is to make it run in as many cases
as possible. There might be couple of strange or uncommon (yes,
even common) situations where I haven't thought that these could
ever occur. In such cases, please note them down somewhere and
tell me what's not working as expected in particular.

There is no fancy mixin or template code in these projects.

Did you really expect I had finished implementing CTFE so all
mixins etc could be resolved? Again, please tell me where it's
not working. Since I spend most of my coding time working Mono-D
I don't really have time to manage D projects.
Completion-related issues may get straight to
https://github.com/aBothe/D_Parser please.

A few questions:

* Does Mono-D do autocompletion or go to definition from external files like files from Phobos and druntime?

Yes. And it works for me(tm) - whereas I don't have any dimension
of what modules / completion features _advanced_ D users make use
of. I mean, as I said, I can't test everything - I need users to
do this for me :P

* Can Mono-D resolve type inference?


I'm using Mac OS X.

This shouldn't be a problem.

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