On Sunday, 10 March 2013 at 08:41:40 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Has anyone else tried to build the new release on Arch Linux?

I tested both dub and dub-git before updating them yesterday in the AUR, so yes.
Currently for some reason github is unbearable slow for me,
so I can't test it (cloning into the git repositories simply is
too slow and it reaches timeout). I'll try later, again.

Anyway, what dmd are you using? I'm using:
Repository     : community
Name           : dmd
Version        : 2.062-1

Both the dub and
dub-git packages are failing to build for me, giving

==> GIT checkout done or server timeout
==> Starting build...
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build dub.

Probably a stupid question, but is you system up t date (as in sudo pacman -Syu)? And which architecture are you running it on?

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