I was approached by GameDev.net before I left for the States to convert my series on "Binding D to C" into an article for their new article system. Now that I'm back home, I've gotten it done. What I didn't know until now is that their system requires a 250x150 header image to go along with the article. I could cobble something together myself, but I thought I'd appeal here first for help as I'm sure there's someone here who could do a much better job.

I see two possibilities. One is an image tied specifically to this article, something that includes references to both D and C. Another is one that is more general, a D image that I could use for all D articles I write for gdnet. I'll be happy either way.

While I'm here, I would also like to encourage anyone using D for game development to sign up for gamedev.net and consider writing articles about your experience. The community has some members who are in the AAA games industry, some who work for indie shops both large and small, some who work in publishing, art, and whatnot. But the largest group are hobbyists, many of whom are just starting out. And of those members working in the industry now, some of them started out on gdnet during their high school or college years. Plus, a decade ago anyone not using C++ would have been flamed to ashes there. Now that attitude is long dead and they are much more open to using and discussing different languages. So any articles written there will have exposure to a fairly large and varied audience of game developers, some of whom would certainly be willing to look into D.

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