These are the D bindings to the libgit2 library. libgit2 is a
versatile git library which can read/write loose git object files,
parse commits, tags, and blobs, do tree traversals, and much more.

The dlibgit master branch is now based on the recent libgit2 v0.19.0
release. The previous bindings were based on 0.17.0, and there have
been many new features introduced since then.

Note: The D-based samples have not yet been updated to v0.19.0, but
I'll work on this in the coming days.

Note: I might also look into making this a dub-aware package, if
that's something people want.

Licensing information:

libgit2 is licensed under a very permissive license (GPLv2 with a
special Linking Exception). This basically means that you can link it
(unmodified) with any kind of software without having to release its
source code.

dlibtgit github page:
libgit2 homepage:
libgit2 repo:

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