On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 00:36:12 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Today I committed the first 5112 lines of D code to Facebook's repository. The project is in heavy daily use at Facebook. Compared to the original version (written in C++) we've measured massive wins in all of source code size, build speed, and running speed.

In all likelihood we'll follow up with a blog post describing the process.


Congratulations! Thanks Andrei for pushing hard a Facebook and thanks to all core D devs for their hard work too.

Looking forward to the blog post...and the day I can code at work in D

Before D
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After D!
           __-----_.                        ______
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        |     |            \   | |""""(_   Brilliant! _)
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       |          _|  | ._--""||        |

(Not mine: http://www.chris.com/ascii/index.php?art=comics/peanuts)

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