* http://wiki.dlang.org/Review_Queue
* http://wiki.dlang.org/Review/std.d.lexer

===== Formal Decision =====

Assuming I have not missed anything (there were plenty of off-topic in voting thread unfortunately), final stats are:

Voted total : 21
Yes         : 11
Yes, If     : 3
No          : 7

Among voters all 3 members of D-Programming-Language GitHub organizations voted "No".

Even all "Yes, If" votes will be counted as "Yes" overwhelming agreement won't be reached. As was discussed earlier, inclusion into standard library is matter too important to be decided by simple majority.

Right now I am declaring this proposal as Rejected / Postponed.

===== Outcome =====


Further course of actions highly depends on Brian intentions. Everyone has agreed that such module is useful and needed in Phobos so it is perfectly possible to modify actual implementation according to review / voting comments and get back into review queue. However, Brian has shown certain interest in idea of more generic lexer proposed by Andrei and I don't know if he is willing to push the current one.


Whatever further decision is, I highly recommend to form current `std.d.lexer` as dub package. I have recently had a discussion on topic with Sonke Ludwig and adding package categorization is currently one of priorities for dub registry.

Once it is implemented, `std.d.lexer` can be moved to moderated `Phobos Candidate` category if Brian will be interested in continuing to work in that direction.


It has become clear that current review process leaves place to uncertainity in case of more controversial proposals which makes decision of Review Manager too impactful. I would be glad to see Jesse Phillips (as someone both familiar with Boost process and experienced in our reviews) to enhance current Review Process definition with more formal rules for such cases. It should be discussed and decided separately.

Destroy (c)

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