On Monday, 20 January 2014 at 13:34:28 UTC, Olivier Pisano wrote:
Hi all,

The French programming website developpez.com announces the opening soon of a section on the D programming language and calls out for contributions[1]!

It is an opportunity for the french speaking people among us to advocate the use of D to some lost sheeps that are not aware of D and redirect them to here or to dlang-fr.

[1]: http://open-source.developpez.com/actu/66374/Une-nouvelle-rubrique-D-va-bientot-voir-le-jour-et-n-attend-que-vos-contributions/

Too bad they banned me for the horrible crime of saying that PHP scaled. Because, you know, it is used by Wikipedia and Facebook. Not sure I want to contribute.

Also, they have a D part in the forum, that used to be alive. Now it is completely dead.

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