On 9/12/14, 3:20 AM, Marco Leise wrote:
Am Fri, 12 Sep 2014 01:51:33 +0900
schrieb Andrew Edwards <rid...@yahoo.com>:

DMD 2.066.1-rc1 is now available for testing. Visit
http://wiki.dlang.org/Beta_Testing to download. Please submit all bugs
to bugzilla at https://issues.dlang.org/.

Happy testing

I followed the first LINUX link on
and got this:


   404 Not Found
   Code: NoSuchKey
   Message: The specified key does not exist.
   Key: pre-releases/2014/dmd.2.066.1-rc1.linux.zip
   RequestId: 041CB7ED85E79D22
   HostId: 77PqxexMbECV1cBnYfWlCZhxrKtBgH2VhFhP8v2tlG6kpALNX3JGPYXbzhmYIx7w

Clear cache and try again.

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