Congratulations to Mihails Strasuns, a.k.a. Dicebot, on the acceptance of his DIP 1007, '"future symbol" Compiler Concept'!

Although the proposal recommended that the feature be implemented only internally for DRuntime initially, Walter felt that isn't necessary. So once implemented, the feature will be available for immediate use. Thanks are due to Sociomantic, particularly Leandro Lucarella, who answered Walter's questions on Sociomantic's usage of the feature in their code base.

In other DIP news, I'm tentatively planning to merge DIP 1011 and begin its preliminary review in the coming week. This is going to be the "extern(delegate)" proposal from Jonathan Marler. I invite everyone to participate in the draft review on the PR over the next few days.

Another DIP in the queue in need of a draft review is Nicholas Wilson's proposal to allow changing the default attributes (like @system vs. @safe, @nogc vs. 'uses GC'). This DIP follows on from a recent discussion here in the forums. The sooner we can get feedback on the PR, the sooner I'll be ready to merge it and begin the review process.

Finally, I find that DIP 1010, Timon Gehr's "static foreach", received no external input in the draft review, and no feedback during the preliminary review -- the discussion thread is empty! Either it was completely ignored or it's so well put together that it warrants no criticism. I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter. With that in mind, I'm going to push it on to the formal review without the normal two-week window for feedback. I'll make the announcement on Monday, then if there is no feedback by Wednesday that warrants keeping it open, I'll submit it to Walter and Andrei for judgement. So please read the DIP if you haven't already and consider over the weekend if you have anything to say about it. If so, then you can post it in the thread I'll open on Monday.

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