As I live in Munich and there have been a few threads about things to do in Munich, I thought I quickly share a few selected activities + current events.


A few highlights:

- over 80 museums (best ones: Museum Brandhost, Pinakothek der Moderne, Haus der Kunst, Deutsches Museum, Glyptothek, potato museum, NS-Dokumentationszentrum) - English Garden (Munich's biggest park with many activities - e.g. there are surfers at Eisbachwelle)
- BMW Welt (car museum + very modern architecture)
- Old churches (Asamkirche, Marienkirche)
- View over the city: Alter Peter or Vorhoelzer Cafe
- Allianz Arena (arena of FC Bayern München)
- Castle Nymphenburg (the king's summer residence)
- Olympic Park (e.g. view from the Olympic Tower)
- Glockenbackviertel/Gärtnerplatz (main square of the former LBGT scene)

More sights at e.g.

Current events to do

There's much to do in Munich if you want to take an evening off or are staying a day longer. Munich city portal provides a good overview (in German):

A few highlights include:

### Frühlingsfest

What: "Little" Oktoberfest
Where: Theresienwiese (U6)

### Wannda

What: Culture festival
Where: Leonrodplatz
When: starts at 4.5

### MaiTUM

What: Maypole festival + 150 years of TUM celebrations
Where: Garching
When: 3-4.5

### Long night of clubbing

What: One ticket for 14 clubs + bus lines between them
When: 4.5

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