On 06/08/2018 01:01 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
but the valuable associated information like PR
discussions is specific to Github and there is no easy way (if there's a
way at all!) to export this data and import it elsewhere.

For importing, you may be right. For exporting, I'm not sure I agree. With curl and something like Adam's HTML DOM (or heck, even just regex) it shouldn't be too difficult to crawl/scrape all the information into a sensible format. That's a technique I've been wanting to do a LOT more with than I've had a chance to.

Although granted, that's still far more complicated than it SHOULD be, and doesn't help much if there's nowhere to import it into.

It's 2018, and history has shown that standard, open data formats are
what stands the test of time.

Yup. Unfortunately, history has also shown that closed-off and locked-in tend to be more lucrative business models. Which is why all the big muscle in the tech world is usually working *against* open standards.

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