On Tuesday, 26 June 2018 at 01:52:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I've made some online improvements to "Programming in D" since September 2017.




Hi Ali,

Thanks for your book - it is the definitive go-to resource for D newcomers as well as "refresher" reference for part time D programmers like myself.

The fact that you keep it up to date (if even only the e-copy release), is also a huge plus for us.

But, if I can maybe ask/recommend - is it possible to add a RevisionHistory on your ddili.org site?

In fact, your announcement details in this announcement would be perfect as the content for this release. So, since you write these announcements anyway, hopefully not a lot of work... ;-)

Also, I don't think anyone would expect you do this for every revision since the 1st one, even from the current Revision onward, but updated for every new revision in the future, would already be great.

The reason I am asking is that it is sometimes difficult to know if you have updated some part/section/chapter of your book with some recent changes to the language/runtime/Phobos.

I think this will be super useful since it is used by myself and others as a kind of "Quick-Reference" book to D now. This is not as critical for most of the other books (Adam's Cookbook, Kai's Web Dev book, etc), since they don't attempt to cover the language in full and hence do not have the same "reference" aspect your book does. I know Andrei's TDPL book is supposed to be the definitive reference (and I do have a copy), but it is now quite out-of-date!

But, most of all, thanks for a super-useful book!

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