On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 07:03:52 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
I never ever (I think) did something provocative, something to finally see:

- who in the community WANTS D language to succeed?

- who are just these funny “people” let’s call th this, that are I don’t know “just hang around”

Because shame is a weapon much like fear (of death esp), pride can be used as weapon but ehm better shame the bastard...

And so on.

So - until we all understand that these donations are not because we are begging fir money.

I will send ~ 10$ each day _specifically_ to see who WANTS D TO SUCCED and WILL NOT BE SHAMED LIKE THAT FOR ONCE!

It is because it’s (soon) your last chance to invest into the Future.

P.S. I mean what you think the future of native code is??? Rust? Crystal?? Nim???

I know most people here don't agree with me, but I think you're fighting an already lost battle ;)

As you know, I'm convinced that D could be marketed as the perfect language to develop native web servers and mobile applications, and have its core libraries somewhat extended in thqg direction, like Go and Crystal which allow "plug'n'play" web server development for instance, but obviously the D "leadership" remains convinced that D must be sold as the best alternative to C++.

Personally I'm a complete D fan because it is SOOO MUCH better than JavaScript/Python/Perl/etc for file processing...

For engine and game development I'm still using C++, despite I prefer D, and believe me this won't change for a while.

Game development is a very special use case, but personally I don't think that many of those who use C++ for close-to-the-metal development should be that much interested in switching to D, because most of its standard libraries depend on the presence of a GC...

And to answer your question, IMHO the future of native code probably remains C++ (not Rust) for system programming, and (unfortunately) Go for web development (great ecosystem, db drivers, often faster than Java, C#, Dart, etc) despite it lacks several core feature many developers need (generics, etc).

Once Crystal integrates parallelism (at 1.0), it should become de facto one of the best alternative to Go, Java, C#, etc, because it's actually "Go-made-right". For instance it's genericity system works well, and its type inference system natively support union types.

Nim disqualifies itself because contrarily to D and C# for instance, it doesn't manage mutual dependencies automatically for you, which is a pity.

And Rust, despite it has perfect C/C++-like performance and doens't need a GC, its borrow checker made it a hell to use at first, as unfortunately Rust hasn't integrated strong/weak references as a core feature of the language (Rc/Weak are templates, RefCell is needed for mutability, etc), despite that's actually what many C++ developers use today for resource management, and would be more than enough for them to get their job done once they switch to Rust...

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