On Sunday, 5 August 2018 at 02:36:29 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 18:23:15 UTC, 9il wrote:
The Meson Build system [13] support was added to the following Dub packages:

asdf [1] - JSON serialisation library
cblas [2] - CBLAS header for Dlang
lapack [3] - LAPACK header for Dlang
lubeck [4] - High level linear algebra library
mir-algorithm [5] - Core algorithm library and a home for Dlang multidimensional array package - ndslice
mir-blas [6] - ndslice wrapper for CBLAS
mir-lapack [7] - ndslice wrapper for LAPACK
mir-linux-kernel [8] - Linux headers for Dlang
mir-optim [9] - Optimisation framework
mir-random [10] - Advanced random number engines and random distributions

Neat! This will allow us to package Mir for Debian. At the moment, there is nothing using Mir in Debian (obviously) and nothing using it is planned for packaging, but adding it might be useful still, since it can also - with some limits - be used from non-D code.

Looks like that only betterC projects are good enough to become Debian packages. Generally because of the have stable C ABI that does not depend on D compiler version at all.

Maybe we can pack Mir Optim, what is the proper way to do it?
Its features:
 * stable betterC API/ABI, C/C++ headers
* two times faster then Alglib for multiple (heavy) curve calibration (recent release) * allows to use user specific threads through C API, while free version of Alglib is strictly single thread.

I only worry about potential name clashes with Mir (the display server) in Ubuntu ^^

Interesting, say libmir-optim(-dev) (I don't think we will have a lot of betterC packages)

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