On Tuesday, 27 November 2018 at 14:19:12 UTC, Joakim wrote:
As Laeeth always says, you're best off looking for people who're actually capable and empowered to make such risky decisions, rather than aiming for the majority too early, because they only jump on board once the bandwagon is stuffed and rolling downhill.

I get the (I read "D compilation is slow" + "I'm not interested") vibe from people that actually _are_ early adopters, very interested in programming, who adopted Scala and Nim despite obvious risks.

I disagree with your opinion but just lacks the time to defend my own in a lengthy forum post. Let me make a giant argument by authority: I sell B2C software for a living. Convincing people to try software despite their will is what I do for a living. "Build it and they will come" would be a fantasy to believe if we hadn't competitors who had people come way before they built it.

Complicated triple negation arguments (D compile fast! no wait, it compiles slowly! no wait, it compiles fast!) don't work. In a few months whenever someone bring out D, forum replies will say "but D compilation is not that fast".

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