I would like to announce a new project I've started, called DLP (D Language Processing). Currently it's quite experimental but the idea is that it would contain a collection of commands for inspecting D code in various ways. It uses the DMD frontend as a library (the Dub package) to process D code.

This first release only contains one command, "leaf-functions". It will print out all leaf functions to standard out. A "leaf function" is considered a function that doesn't call any other functions or doesn't have a body. The use case for this is if you have a code base that you would like to add attributes to. Since most attributes causes the function they're attached to be constraint in which other functions they can call, "@nogc" functions can only call other "@nogc" functions, "pure" functions can only call other "pure" functions and so on. Therefore it makes most sense when starting to add attributes to a code base to start with the leaf functions, the functions that don't call any other functions.

Pre-compiled binaries are available for macOS, Linux and Windows.


/Jacob Carlborg

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