On 1/30/2019 5:55 PM, Manu wrote:
lets replace 10 with a short variable named: S
"a short variable named: S" is an lvalue, so why would the rewrite be
attempted? S must be an rvalue for any rewrite to occur. We're talking
about rvalues here.

This illustrates why this should be compared with C++. Consider this C++ code:

  const int& foo(const int& x) { return x; }

  const int& test() {
    short s;
    return foo(s);

It compiles with clang++. The code generated for test() is:

        push    RBP
        mov     RBP,RSP
        sub     RSP,010h
        lea     RDI,-8[RBP]
        movsx   EAX,word ptr -2[RBP]
        mov     -8[RBP],EAX
        call    foo
        add     RSP,010h
        pop     RBP

See what it is doing? It's converting s to an int, putting the int into a temporary, then passing a reference to that temporary to foo(). So when you ask why would a person think that this would happen with the DIP, if they know C++, they would assume similar behavior. This is why the DIP needs to specifically say this is not the proposed behavior. It is why a comparison to C++ behavior is essential. It is a lot easier to understand the DIP if people can apply their existing understanding, with a few modifications, to the D behavior. It's also necessary to compare with C++ to see if the DIP missed something important, and to justify any other behavioral differences.

The interesting question is, since C++ supports this behavior, what about the truck-sized hole? The answer is in the declaration of foo(const int&). The const is the reason. The referenced value cannot be modified. The realloc example is blocked by the compiler.

But the DIP says const ref is not required. Therefore, copying an lvalue to a temporary cannot be allowed, therefore implicit conversion of lvalues cannot happen.

Then we're faced with the question of if implicit conversion of lvalues is not allowed, should implicit conversion of rvalues be allowed? I'm not so sure it should be. For one thing, a lot of people are confused about lvalues vs rvalues, and would find the difference in behavior puzzling. For another, it can complicate overloading rules. I'd say allowing the conversions needs a strong rationale.

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