On Saturday, 9 February 2019 at 01:31:05 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Using lowering to lambdas as a way of defining semantics is not the same thing as actually using lambdas to implement a feature in the compiler!

While it can be convenient to do the latter as a first stab, I'd expect that the optimizer could make use of special knowledge available in the compiler to implement this more efficiently. Since the compiler will always use a fixed pattern for the lowering, the backend could detect this pattern and optimize accordingly. Or the compiler implementation could lower it directly to something more efficient in the first place.


The lambda even correctly handles "@disable this(this);", I like it!

struct One { @disable this(this); }
void fun(ref One one) { }

One gun() { return One.init; }

void main()
  One one; one.fun();
  (One __temp0){ return fun( __temp0 ); }(gun()); // OK

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