On Saturday, 11 May 2019 at 05:39:12 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

So potentially a D-based memcpy could have multiple concrete implementations (copying strategies) that are statically chosen based on the properties of T, like alignment and size.


However, DMD won't do the right thing.

Honestly, at this point I don't even care.

Personally I'd be fine with just killing of DMD's backend and just investing in LDC and GDC, but I don't think that's going to happen, and because of that, we have to care. DMD is where policy and precedent is set for D. To influence the direction of D, it must be done throught DMD.

It could be possible to select multiple different memcpy implementations by statically examining the properties of T. I think that might be one advantage D could have over just calling libc's memcpy. But you have to be very careful not to outdo the compiler's optimizer so that it doesn't recognize it as memcpy and fails to apply what would otherwise be a routine optimization pass.

I understand. That's why I'm calling it an "exploration" at this time. I want to see what can and can't be done.

At a certain point, this just begs the question "should I just let the compiler's backend do its job by telling it plainly that I mean memcpy, or should I engage in asm-hackery because I'm confident I can outdo the compiler's codegen?".

I get that, but DMD is not the kind of backend that does that stuff. If I could rely on DMD's, LDC's, and GDC's backend to just insert an optimized compiler intrinsic, without the C standard library, I would just leverage that. But that doesn't seem to be the world we're currently in.

One thing that might be worth considering is for the *compiler* to expose a memcpy intrinsic, and then let the compiler decide how best to implement it (using its intimate knowledge of the target machine arch), rather than trying to do it manually in library code.

I would love for the backends to just know how to copy memory efficiently for all of their targets without me having to do anything, and without linking in the C standard library, but that's not what I'm seeing from the compilers right now.

Based on what Andrei has voiced, the way to go would be to merge Phobos and druntime into one, by making Phobos completely opt-in so that you don't pay for what you don't use from the heavier / higher-level parts of Phobos. At a certain point it becomes clear that the division between Phobos and druntime is artificial, the result of historical accident, and not a logical necessity that we have to keep. If Phobos is made completely pay-as-you-go, the distinction becomes completely irrelevant and the two might as well be merged into one.

Yes, but is making Phobos pay-as-you-go a real possibility? I don't see it that way because all of Phobos has been developed under the assumption that all language features are implemented and available. utiliD would be usable in an environment where only a subset of D's language features are available.

Also, Phobos has been developed under the assumption that any module in Phobos or druntime can be utilized as a dependency in any other module. That has created a dependency mess in Phobos and I don't see how that can be disentangled without breaking everyone's code. Furthermore, there is no clear hierarchy in Phobos where it is clear at the API level what language features are required for each module/function/whatever. With utiliD, it is much clearer where the line is drawn in the hierarchy of language features. Phobos will never be pay-as-you-go if you can't see what you're paying for as you go.

See, this trouble is caused by the artificial boundary between Phobos and druntime. We should look into breaking down this barrier, not enforcing it.

I agree. We could actually merge druntime and Phobos into a single library today. I also find the divide between Phobos and druntime artificial, but my goal with utiliD is different. I'm trying to create a library that does not require runtime language features. I'm not proposing an artificial division that currently exists. I'm trying to build something equivalent to a stack, where you start at a very low level (utilid) and add layers of increasing capability. That's not what we have with Phobos and druntime today.

I think the logical goal is to make Phobos completely pay-as-you-go. IOW, an actual *library*, as opposed to a tangled hairball of dependencies that always comes with strings attached (can't import one small thing without pulling in the rest of the hairball). A library is supposed to be a set of resources which you can draw from as needed. Pulling out one book (module) should not require pulling out half the library along with it.

I agree, but that hairball is exactly what Phobos is right now. I don't see any way to start from that mess and achieve the pay-as-you-go opt-in continuum. In a way, I'm starting over with utiliD, but I believe there is still value in druntime and Phobos that can be salvaged to start building an opt-in, pay-as-you-go stack of increasing features, sophistication, and capability in D, where you know, by what you're importing, what you're getting and what it costs.


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