On 17.05.19 19:25, Meta wrote:
I don't want to *restrict* the lifetime of a heap allocation. I want the compiler to recognize that the lifetime of my original data is the same as the processed output, and thus allow my code to compile.

You have a heap allocation that references your original data, which might be on the stack (Queue.store[0] points into rawData). The compiler would have to make sure (or recognize) that the pointers on the heap don't outlive the data to which they point.

But the lifetime of the heap allocation is infinite, and the lifetime of the stack data is not. So that fails. To make it work you'd need some way to have a shorter-than-infinite lifetime for the heap.

Whether you want to restrict the lifetime explicitly or have the compiler figure it out on its own ... it doesn't really matter when we can't do either.

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