On Monday, 27 May 2019 at 21:21:35 UTC, Manu wrote:
Huh? Servers take loads-of-cores as far as you possibly can!

Yes, but you might want to limit a single client to a process and limit the thread count, for isolation and simple load balancing. But I am not sure what the use scenario is...

Even embedded parts have many cores; look at every mobile processor.

Usually limited. Correctness is more difficult to prove with high levels of parallelism... And you can use FPGA...

Multi-core focused software tends to perform better on single-core
setups than software that was written for single-core in my

That is odd. Parallell algorithms usually comes with overhead.

At the time,
worried about how the super-scalar choices we were making would affect
Gamecube which still had just one core.

You meant parallell? (super scalar just means that a single core has multiple execution units, a single core can schedule multiple instructions at the same time)

If you write a
single-threaded app, you are almost 100% guaranteed to blatantly
disregard software engineering in favour of a laser focus on your API and user experience, and you will write bad software as a result.

Well, if you need more than a single thread to update a gui (sans rendering) then you've picked the wrong layout strategy in my opinion.

I dont want the gui to suck up a lot of cpu time and polute the caches.

And yes I think layout engine API as well as styling are very important to do well, even if it incurs overhead.

I'd rather have simple layout if that is the bottle neck...

Layout engine design a styling engine design is really the biggest challenge. You cannot design the architecture before those two are known. Also embedded have fixed screen dimensions... No need for real time resizing...

What is missing is a good detailed description of primary use scenarios. Without that no rational design decisions can be made.

That is software engineering 101.

Without that we will just talk past eachother making different assumptions.

What is certain is that the long page browser layout engine isn't very well suited for fixed dimensions...

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