On Friday, 22 November 2019 at 11:05:24 UTC, Antonio Corbi wrote:

I suppose you know about Gtk's Broadway backend, it seems to do its job so a Gtk desktop-app can be a web-app in a very simple way:

Yup, I know about it, but I strive for simplicity in the demos I post and talk about. It may seem like a narrow focus, but one of the reasons I went this way was because I'm terrible at juggling multiple languages/paradigms. It's the reason I decided against using Electron and went for D instead. It's the reason I resist using dub (at least until it's either fixed or replaced). And it's the reason I stick to OOP as much as possible, even though I have yet to learn enough about D's take on OOP for my code to be considered a true application of the paradigm.

My goal is to write X-plat apps in the simplest way possible, using one language (D) and one toolkit (GTK). The world is complicated enough these days in very many ways and this is how I fight back.

Also, Electron is—to my way of thinking—an indicator that desktop apps are coming back, or at least, holding strong. Why else would they have come up with a way to harness web tools to build them? Electron's very popularity seems like an obvious indicator to me.

But I do appreciate you bringing this up, Antonio, even if I only used it to clarify my stance on all this. :)

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