A small thing - Many people who have seen the performance benchmarks for eBay's TSV Utilities find the text table format I've used in the past hard to read. Me too. So, I finally generated more traditional graphical representations for the 2018 benchmark results.

The graphs are here: https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils/blob/master/docs/Performance.md#2018-benchmark-summary

There are no new benchmarks, just new visualizations of the results.

For folks who not familiar with these benchmarks - This is part of performance studies done by comparing eBay's TSV Utilities with a number of command line tools providing similar functionality (e.g. awk). The results shown were presented at DConf 2018.

* Details of the performance study - https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils/blob/master/docs/Performance.md * DConf 2018 talk slides - https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils/blob/master/docs/dconf2018.pdf

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