On Thursday, 16 April 2020 at 18:55:21 UTC, Luis wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 April 2020 at 22:19:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 April 2020 at 21:54:16 UTC, Luis wrote:

There isn't a "hello world" example with bindbc-sdl ? Would very usefull

Everything you need to know that's specfic to the binding is in the readme.

I was asking something like this : https://github.com/Zardoz89/dlang-bindbc-sdl-example1

Yeah, anybody could do this before reading SDL2 documentation, examining a few SDL2 examples on C/C++ and D (outdated derelict examples that only shows a translucent window). This take me two afternoons and was something very dumb.

This kind of lack of examples or documentation, not helps to make D more popular.

I disagree. There are numerous examples of SDL on the internet. There are sites full of SDL tutorials. bindbc-sdl is a binding. It doesn't change the API. I'm not going to write example programs for every library I create bindings for when plenty of examples exist.

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