I've recently implemented some improvements centered on bindbc-sdl.

== New Loader Function

I've added a function to bindbc-loader (on Windows only) to allow adding a single path to the default DLL search path. This is to solve the problem that some of the SDL satellite libraries would fail to load when placed in a directory outside of the search path, such as a ./libs subdirectory.

The problem is that SDL loads its dependencies dynamically. So when a bindbc user would load a lib with a custom path, e.g., `loadSDLImage("libs\\SDL2_image.dll")`, the system loader would find that DLL just fine, but then when it in turn attempted to load a dependency like libpng, the system loader would search the DLL search path and *not* the libs subdirectory, thereby causing a failure.

Now you can do this:

version(Windows) setCustomLoaderSearchPath("libs");

if(loadSDL() < sdlSupport) { /* handle error */ }
if(loadSDL_Image() < sdlImageSupport) { /* handle error */ }

// Give SDL_image a chance to load libpng and libjpeg (it loads them lazily
// when the corresponding flags are passed to IMG_Init.
auto flags = IMG_INIT_PNG | IMG_INIT_JPEG;
if(IMG_Init(flags) != flags) { /* handle error */ }

// Now reset the default loader search path
version(Windows) setCustomLoaderSearchPath(null);

It's up to the caller to ensure the path is valid. For example, if the executable is run from a different directory, then "libs" will not be relative to the current working directory. `SDL_GetBasePath` can help there:


I'm unaware of any issues with other libraries BindBC binds to, but if they do arise, this will solve those, too.

== SDL_net

I didn't initially port SDL_net over because I didn't think anyone was using it. I was waiting for someone to request it. Someone did. It's a small API, so it took a matter of minutes to complete.

== Streamlined SDL_* version identifiers

Previously, the SDL satellite library bindings could be enabled with e.g., `BindSDL_Image`, `BindSDL_TTF`, etc. That would enable the lowest supported version of the library. To enable a more recent version, an additional identifier was required (`SDL_Image_205`, `SDL_TTF_2014`). That's just dumb. Now, only one identifier is required, e.g., `SDL_Image_205` will do the trick by itself now. `SDL_Image` is equivalent to the `SDL_Image_200`. The old approach is still supported, though, so current build configs should continue to work without change.

See the loader documentation for details on the new function:


There's also a bit about it in the bindbc-sdl documentation, along with the details about the approach to version identifiers.


I've got some bigger packages to port over from Derelict yet (the OpenCL binding, for example). I've also had a request to include support for SDL's thread/mutex API so folks using DasBetterC can have access to it. That's all in the pipeline. Going forward, I plan to devote a handful of hours one day a week to bindbc until I've implemented everything on my task list, so it will get done sooner rather than later.

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