On Thursday, 7 January 2021 at 15:58:24 UTC, Luhrel wrote:

int staticArrFunc(int[6] a)
    return a[0];

void main()
    int[] s = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    int[] y = s[0 .. staticArrFunc(cast(int[$]) [1,2,3])];
// Error: CTFE internal error: trying to access uninitialized var

Do you have a currently working example, that would potentially be broken by my DIP ?

It does not compile because length of `s` is not known at compile time. It SHOULD compile if `s` was either a static array or a manifest constant, but currently it does not - what a lucky bug!

I still think it deserves a mention -it's standard practice to put the "breaking changes" section even if there are none. In this case it seems a breaking change by the spec, but not by the implementation.

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