On Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 14:28:52 UTC, Dennis wrote:
On Tuesday, 18 May 2021 at 12:58:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Ths emphasizes the fact that druntime needs more love.

That conclusion is given along with these numbers:

|                        | dmd | phobos | druntime |
|open bug reports        | 3000| 900    |       300|
|Pull requests / month   |  85 | 130    |        30|
|contributors last month |  10 |   5    |         4|

To me, that looks like dmd needs more love, given the vast amount of bugs (3000) compared to druntime (300).

The opened druntime PRs do not necessarily fix any issues or add new features, but rather contain minor refactorings of small, unreported, bug fixes. So I would say that there is no relationship betweem the number of bugs of a component and the number of PRs that are opened.

The fundamental reason why dmd has more opened bugs is because it is the oldest codebase among the 3. Also, some bugs are reported as belonging to dmd when they're actually druntime bugs, because it is difficult to properly identify the component if you are not a contributor. I have changed the component part of many dmd bugs to druntime over time.

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