Hi all,

For over 18 years, we have used Freenode as our home for the Dlang community on IRC. Recent events, however, have made it unclear whether we will be able to retain any presence on Freenode at all.

So it has been decided, as of [2021/05/27](https://github.com/dlang/dlang.org/pull/3012), our official IRC presence will now be on [Libera Chat](https://libera.chat/), with [OFTC](https://www.oftc.net/) as a secondary home. The Freenode channel has now been marked as unofficial, and we invite everyone to join us in #d on Libera Chat.

With that said, I am happy to announce that the Dlang project has been registered with Libera Chat. This grants us claim to the #d and #dlang related channels, as well as setting up dlang cloaks. If you are a contributor to any project under the umbrella of dlang (including gdc and ldc), and would like to request a cloak, then please reach out to us.

The new channels on libera are:
- `#d`: Dlang community channel
- `#d-feed`: DFeed bot postings of all dlang-related posts, issues, and pull requests
- `#d-gdc`: GDC development channel
- `#dlang`: Dlang development channel

See you all there!


Please discuss the announcement in the [general forum thread](https://forum.dlang.org/post/ecmxtpulswayuzjrg...@forum.dlang.org).

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