On Monday, 27 December 2021 at 06:40:30 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
This meeting was originally supposed to take place on the fourth Friday in November, but given that the day before that was Thanksgiving Day in America (and is so every November), we moved it to the first Friday in December. Then given that the fourth Friday in December this year was Christmas Eve, we agreed to just stick with the first Friday each month going forward. Most of us are busy with holiday stuff in late December anyway even when the fourth Friday isn't Christmas Eve.


Iain used this opportunity to bring attention to a header file he maintains to resolve some such issues. Walter suggested that this, or something like it, should be a part of the D compiler release. This prompted a discussion about how to do that and the pros and cons of dmd invoking the C preprocessor vs. incorporating Warp. Walter suggested it's just about time for dmd to start invoking the C preprocessor.

This would be a big step forward. I've been testing various libraries with ImportC in an attempt to identify bugs, limitations, and workarounds. I've gotten a lot of mileage from Iain's file, in the sense that it was sufficient to get most of those files to compile.

What it can't solve is duplicate function definitions across preprocessed files. That's where a compiler solution would be valuable. I assume their solution will address this.

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