Yes! Thanks to Symmetry Investments, DConf 2022 is happening in London Aug 1-4. I'll have the web site up soon (waiting to make sure there's no issue with our logo), but I wanted to get the news out ASAP since I have permission now to announce it.

Once the site is up, you'll find the details for how to submit a talk. Even if you've never given a talk at a conference before, I encourage you to submit one. Like Ali said DConf Online 2020, anyone can do it. All you need is an idea and the motivation to put it together. And if you're selected, you'll be reimbursed by the D Language Foundation for your transportation and lodging costs (within reason).

I'll have more information about the venue, registration fees, local hotels, the nightly meetup spot, and anything else you need to know as soon as it's finalized.

Personally, I'm super pumped about this. I hope to see a lot of you in London in August!

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