On Wednesday, 4 May 2022 at 16:21:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Mario also mentioned that Mathis Beer is having "the usual problems" in his work because he is always "in the dark areas of the D compiler", but they have nothing causing them any major issues that need immediate attention.

I don't get sensible bugs anymore! It's all cryptic stuff like "if I use random feature one, then random feature two while wrapped in random feature three, plus a syntax error in an unrelated module, the compiler literally catches on fire."

My favorite recent one is https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22949

If you:

- define a module with an enum that has an initializer that doesn't exist
- and in another module, you define a struct
  - that speculatively compiles itself via `__traits(compiles)`
    - (dmd starts sweating nervously)
  - and imports from the first module a symbol that doesn't exist
  - then mixes it in
- then import the first module again
- and evaluate the enum

Then you get an "Error: Unknown."

This code has like three different errors! Missing import, mixin of a missing symbol, enum with an invalid initializer. Each of those individually, or in combinations of two, would be reported just fine. But, I think because `__traits(compiles)` strategically blocks *all* of them from being printed, the compiler ends up in a state where it knows that everything is wrong, but can no longer quite work out why or how.

They're all like this.

Well, that or bugs with `immutable`.

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