On Saturday, 28 May 2022 at 05:37:06 UTC, test123 wrote:
Maybe we can add the picohttpparser test case into httparsed.

Hi, it is actually [there](https://github.com/tchaloupka/httparsed/blob/e07906e61b7c0b5123ecec4ea6a578b1768c47da/source/httparsed.d#L669), probably not exactly everything, but mostly is.

I try use this project, but it has error results when parse some header files.

I has to add this into nginx to avoid the error:

  proxy_set_header Sec-Fetch-User "";
  proxy_set_header Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile "";
  proxy_set_header Sec-Ch-Ua "";

Please file the issue directly to the [repository](https://github.com/tchaloupka/httparsed) ideally with a problematic real header so I can add it to the tests and see whats wrong.

As this doesn't belong to the announce forum much ;-)


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