On Friday, 11 August 2023 at 13:37:57 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for July 2023 took

### Nick
Nick had nothing new for us but did have some comments on the `-wo` switch. He thought it was great. However, since there's no indication by default if code is using an obsolete feature, he felt it would be great if people could just get in the habit of using the new switch. That could be a sort of cultural thing.

Walter agreed it should be cultural. He had noticed this in GCC. There are some really bad features of C, but GCC doesn't warn about them by default. Users have to turn on the warnings. That seems okay to him and it seems to work for GCC.

Maybe if the compiler detects that depreciated features are being used it could add a line to the output...

"To check for usage of depreciated features uses the "-wo" swicth"

A simple 1 line "friendly reminder" instead of pages of warnings, surely people could live with that?

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