### Dennis
Dennis said he'd been working on that AA PR, but had nothing else to report. He still had some other things to pursue, like looking at pattern support for the deprecation (-d/-de/-dw) and obsolete warning (-wo) switches, as well as the `standalone` attribute or pragma for static constructors.

Please use "pragma" to be consistent with other static constructors. There are few reasons to do so 1. DMD does not have consistent way of defining system attribute which can cause conflict with user attribute (DMD system attribute should start with underscore character, "_") 2. If old DMD version can not handle new pragma identifier, it is because the list is hardcoded. Should have/add ignore pragma identifier list defined in sc.ini so that it can be updated at will without rebuild 3. DMD has attribute soup problem because it does not have negate setting. If top module has "@nogc:" and later a function that supports garbage collect should just use its negate form "@!nogc" 4. DMD attribute should/must not use negate word form so @nogc -> @!gc ....


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