On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 17:28:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
It's been a long, long while since I published anything on the blog. I do intend to get pick it up again down the road, but Walter recently surprised me with plans of his own. He's taken the topic of his DConf '23 talk and derived a blog post from it:


I guess he got impatient with the pace at which I'm getting the talk videos uploaded :-)

And for anyone who'd like to engage in any Reddit discussion that comes up:


Good talk.

Many very clever people would achieve more if they tried to understand why a v. experienced developer would care to spend so much time talking about what might appear to be such basic points.

The key challenge: If this stuff was so obvious & everyone did it or it didn't matter so much that they didn't, why would Walter care about it so much?

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