On Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 21:15:19 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

With Firefox getting worse by the year, you might want to consider also making your own partially-usable chromium/edge skin (also known as "pukes")!

Really? It is my primary development browser. In fact, chromium has left me in the lurch more than once with its bugs (mainly with svg and resources memory management).

Imagine a company with products based on svg (complex ones with a lot of user interaction) and a new version of chrome that fails managing mouse events in some circunstances... my company begun to receive emails/phone calls from our customers telling that "our software bug" was making them lose thousands of euros every hour. (Our company was a "personalization" service used by a lot of manufacturers eCommerce in Spain).

It was not the first neither the last problem that a new version of chrome caused to our company: You can't say to a customer "tell your users to browse your ecommerce with Firefox or Safari" because Chromium dominates browsers market (it is a monopolistic control).

I remember when reported a bug about canvas/images memory leak (Our software processed hundred of images directly on web)... we find the solution to assigning 0 to width/height... but the chromium bug remained YEARS until it was solved. It gives you the magnitude of what a monopolistic control signifies.

Adam, I really heated Chrome... and I simply don't tolerate each new browser based on chromium. I consider it a giant error. "One ring to rule them all"

Firefox protection is a must.

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