On Saturday, 16 March 2024 at 09:26:20 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
The RC for 2.108 has been released, which includes the following changes from the initial beta:

- Named Arguments is now implemented and documented as a new feature in this release. The beta supports the feature, but was left undocumented while some remaining issues were being fixed.

- Hexstrings now implicitly convert to integer arrays. The beta had introduced support to allow casting to arrays only.


As usual please report any bugs at

on behalf of the Dlang Core Team

It's only getting a quick mention in the middle of the list of bug fixes, but "Bugzilla 24397: Support C preprocessor function-like macros" is a big deal for ImportC - that was the final piece needed to use ImportC with large C files without manual intervention. (At least that's the case for the code I'm working with.)

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